- Ticos (native Costa Ricans) , contrary to public opinion, do NOT all like Gringos (
Americans, Canadians, or Europeans ). The Tico personality will nearly always try to
please and say what he or she thinks that YOU want to hear. You will very seldom
encounter direct aggression …but you will definitely encounter passive agressive
behavior against gringos.
- The bureaucracy in local and national agencies (as well as larger institutions ) can be
maddening and frustrating. Ticos seem to actually thrive waiting in long lines and
seemingly possess endless supplies of patience. It is commonplace to wait for 6 hours to
see a doctor…or an hour to deposit money. Wait until you try to apply for a telephone!
And worse… many of the “rules and regulations” seem to change almost weekly.
- The country exists on an unwritten system of commissions and barter. Purchases and
sales of real estate and most other private merchandise takes place almost the same as it
has for decades. Example: Jose has a vehicle for sale for $8000. He puts a SE VENDE
sign in the window (for sale) and tells his friends. One of them tells an acquaintance
about the car and it results in a sale. A commission ranging from 2 to 10% is then paid
to the person who “arranged” the sale. Outsiders never become aware that they are in
fact paying the commission indirectly. This becomes especially important when you are
told that there is no commission involved because of a net price…THERE IS ALWAYS
- Ticos, almost all of them, believe that nearly all gringos have money trees back home
with a never ending supply of dollars. And , because we have “so much money” we
should be willing to pay more for almost everything. Ticos generally feel absolutely no
compunction or guilt “liberating” some of the gringo’s hard earned money.
Remember… if you ask the price of almost anything where barter is involved… the first
price will normally be “as much as the traffic can bear”. { a footnote: to many of us that
attitude may seem particularly offensive as many of us have moved to , or are
considering moving to, Costa Rica to SAVE money. We have saved our money for years
and want to stretch our retirement dollars and vacation investments funds. …}
Many gringos see this behavior as dishonest and as simply lying. It is easier to
understand if we gringos admit that “yes, we do have more money but we are here in
Costa Rica because we are trying to save money. We can be generous…just not stupid”.
- Because there are very few rules and regulations regarding commerce of almost any
kind…there are tremendous opportunities AND a huge number of hidden obstacles.
The two most apparent examples encountered by most that move here are real estate
and automobiles. In the States and in Canada we trust the government to protect us
from fraud. In Costa Rica it is “CAVEAT EMPTOR” or “let the buyer beware.”
CARS: there is no prohibition on “rolling back” mileage or against renovating vehicles
which have been designated as “salvage” by insurance companies in their home
countries. Anything goes here.
REAL ESTATE: there is no MLS here, no system of comparables, no protection against
excessive markup and NO disclosure laws of any kind. Worse yet, titles are often forged
and even attorneys can be the victims of fraud. You cannot be too careful when it comes
to real estate purchases. Nothing could more more demoralizing than realizing that you
have become a victim of someone’s fraudulent actions and that your “dream property”
has just become a nightmare.
- A friend of ours believes that almost all products sold in Costa Rica are “seconds” or
rejects from other countries. We don’t agree but it is definitely a fact that most products
here are not as well made as they are “back home”. If you are a perfectionist about your
possessions and what you purchase…this could be your worst nightmare!
- Never forget that Costa Rica runs on “Tico time”. This is something that almost every
visitor realizes and “knows” but very few realize how truly pervasive the time difference
really is. Nowhere does the cultural difference become more readily apparent (except,
believe it or not, with the bus, ferry, and plane schedules ). If you can readily accept the
simple fact that your appointments and scheduling will almost ALWAYS be “messed
up” you will be ahead of probably 90% of most gringos.
- When buying real estate in Costa Rica.. MAKE NO ASSUMPTIONS
WHATSOEVER…because nearly all of your assumptions are based on your past
experience in other countries and they are not the same in Costa Rica! You think that
you will have high speed internet anywhere you buy or build? Guess again…DSL or
broadband is only available in about 2% of Costa Rica. You think that you have a
choice of phone or internet provider or service plan?….sorry again…Costa Rica only has
one utility for phone and internet and it is regulated by the Government…you have no
options whatsoever. You assume that water and building permits are readily available
in the upper class beach community where you have bought ( you didn’t think to ask ) .
Sorry again…poor planning has actually forced some communities to stop issuing
building permits.
A good checklist with appropriate questions can mean the difference between success or
NOT…check our website for such a list.
- There IS corruption in Costa Rica. Two of the country’s past presidents have been
indicted on corruption charges. Much of the corruption is simply accepted as a way of
life and of doing business. And, even though corruption is publically denounced, nearly
every Tico will take advantage of the system in small ways. ( examples: avoiding sales
tax is almost a national pastime here and if you ask a Tico if he or she pays personal
taxes you will invariably get a blank look that means “taxes? Me?” )
- This last item may seem basic and self explanatory but Costa Rica is NOT a paradise
or a Disneyworld. Many of us visit Costa Rica and we see a minuscule part of the
country and we assume that life here will be like that . There IS crime in Costa
Rica…there IS pollution…and there are vast cultural differences. The longer you are
here, the more things you will see that you DO NOT like. The roads in places are
horrible…there are problems with illegal aliens ( much the same as those that exist in the
States )…and sometimes the infrastructure problems can be maddening. DO NOT
It is also important to remember how truly small Costa Rica really is. For all of its
diversity and seemingly endless beauty , Costa Rica is smaller than most of the
individual States in the United States or Canada. So it is important to remember that
inasmuch as we “outsiders” want better infrastructure, better “this” and better “that”,
the money simply is not there…and Costa Rica is still a second world country…
SO…in summary…
Come to Costa Rica with your eyes open. We came here feeling confident that we knew
nearly “everything” about Costa Rica because we spent literally hundreds of hours on
the internet. We thought there would be very few surprises.
After years of life in Costa Rica, we are still not disappointed with our decision and we
do not regret a day that goes by. We feel blessed beyond belief. The reasons that we left
and chose Costa Rica are just as valid today as they were when we first arrived
here…the diversity, the lower cost of living, the fantastic medical system, and
affordability…and of course, the beauty that is still uniquely Costa Rica. All are still
Most can abide the negatives when balanced with the positives. Many of us see the glass
a half full instead of half empty. And yet we still see , almost weekly, those that cannot
live here because they cannot adjust.
We are aware that these “negatives” or “truths” will create some controversy.
Whenever we point out negatives about Costa Rica we receive criticism.
But we would rather point out the negatives AND the positives and have everyone make
informed decisions.
So…come to Costa Rica…with your eyes open…and then make your decisions about
whether Costa Rica is right for you.
If you want to learn more about Costa Rica and living here full or part time…and what
the real costs of buying and living here are…